Windows 7 will not see it so I had to create the registry file in window xp and move it to windows 7. It says the key is installed and running in the registry and program but the program is not working properly.
Anonymoussaid.Would you have time to advice me, please. I also changed'Type'=dword:0000004AAll seemed to work as you said except when I check the very last step to see the safenet items in the usb list they do not show.
Anonymoussaid.Hi,I hope you can help me with this issue:I already have installed the multikey, because i've been using the software with a simple SafeNet USB SuperPro/UltraPro since 2011, but its key have changed. With the new key i can see in my system 3 devices: Safenet Inc. Usb Key.i have used this tool 'Sentinel SRM/HASP/HL Dumper v.1.3 (public) build on (21:16:27 May 30 2013)' trying to dump that new keyand my results are (for Backup HASP SRM):1) A file named '' with this information:Sentinel SRM/HASP/HL Dumper v.1.3 (public)build on (21:16:27 May 30 2013) START SENTINEL HASP DUMPING.